Organic Treat
Mainas Farms is a Grower/Packer/Shipper from El Centro, California whose operations are state of the art from start to finish. They control all of their own growing & harvesting crews, as well as operating their own cooling and loading facility. This southern-most region of California has long been an important district for providing high quality vegetables produced in the USA during the winter months. Mainas Farms also produces some of the first USA spring melons in the country!
Winter Vegetables
Broccoli Bunches & Crowns
December through March
Celery, Celery Hearts and bins
January through March
Red, Green, & Savoy Cabbage
January through March
Baby Broccoli 18ct and bulk loose
December through March
Spring Grilling Onions
February through March
Red Cabbage
January through March
Cauliflower cartons and bins
December through March
Romaine & Romaine Hearts
December through March
Green Cabbage
January through March
Spring Melons
May through June
Green Honeydew
May Through June
Galia Melon
May through June
Orange Honeydew
May through June